Al-Manzil is a collection of various Quranic verses and Surah, which are significant for Protection and Health of the reciter. It is recited as mean of Protection from all the Evils. The selected verses work as effective cure and protection from Sorcery, Evil-doers, Jealousy and various other factors. The reading of Ruqyah daily is said to be an antidote from the evil.
Al-Ruqyah Al-Shariah
The exclusive collection of Al-Ruqyah Al-Shariah is designed to help you in recitation of the selected verses. Ruqyah is a source of defense against your potential enemies. The reciter seeks refuge from the wicked of the world and embraces the shelter of the Almighty Allah. The supplications help treat illness and other problems.
Al-Ruqyah Al-Shariah
Al-Ruqyah Al-Shariah的独家收藏旨在帮助您朗诵所选经文。鲁卡(Ruqyah)是防御您潜在敌人的来源。吟诵者从世界的邪恶者那里寻求庇护,并拥护全能真主的庇护所。恳求帮助治疗疾病和其他问题。